Do not exchange money except at authorized exchange centers!   If you use individual transport, look for authorized taxi cars only and pay attention to the fare.   Pay attention! There are some crooks who pretend to be from Seamen's Club. They will ask you for money in various forms and then disappear. Ignore them or call the police. Seamen's Club representatives will never ask you for money.   If you are out in town, it is preferable not to be alone.   If you are not European, you can use ONLY GATE 1 to exit and enter in the port.   If you have arrived in Constanța and, together with your colleagues, would like to go out to the city, call us at +40 723 000-555. We are waiting for you!   Do not buy alcoholic beverages to bring them into the harbor.  
Constanta Port is the fourth-sized port in Europe.

About Us

Port of Constanța

The key moment which transformed Constanta Port into the “sea gate” of Romania, more than 10 years ago, was the moment when the port became operational, with customs facilities.

Constanta Port, the fourth-sized port in Europe, has an area of 3,926 hectares, out of which 1,313 hectares on land and 2,613 hectares on water, with developed length of the external perimeter area of over 30 kilometers between Constanta Municipality and South Agigea.

Constanta Port has an annual operation capacity of approximately 120 million ton, and operates 156 piers, out of which 140 are operational.

As it is located on the routes of 3 Pan-European transportation corridors which connect the North Sea to the Black Sea by the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal, Constanta Port has an advantageous geographic position. The advantageous position is also confirmed by the major role it plays in the European inter-modal transportation network, as it is located at the intersection of the commercial routes which connect the markets of landlocked countries from Central and Eastern Europe to the Transcaucasia Region, Central Asia and the Orient.

As it is a sea, river and tourism port, it provides several advantages such as:

• Multi-functional port with modern facilities and port dock water depths which are sufficient for mooring the largest ships which pass through the Suez Canal

• Container distribution center to Black Sea ports

• Modern facilities for passenger ships.

Good connections to all means of transportation: railway, road, river, air and pipelines.

• Free area status, which allows the necessary general framework for facilitating foreign trade and cargo transit to / from Central and Eastern Europe.

Constanța Seamen's Club is happy to have a large free port, where a lot of foreign ships come in and a large number of seafarers visit the city. We are proud to have a Seamen's Club just above the port, opened in 2003, updated and ready to answer to all seamen requirements.

After a long, stressful period on the sea, a warm, friendly atmosphere is exactly what a seafarer needs.


