Pay attention! There are some crooks who pretend to be from Seamen's Club. They will ask you for money in various forms and then disappear. Ignore them or call the police. Seamen's Club representatives will never ask you for money.   Do not exchange money except at authorized exchange centers!   If you use individual transport, look for authorized taxi cars only and pay attention to the fare.   If you are not European, you can use ONLY GATE 1 to exit and enter in the port.   If you are out in town, it is preferable not to be alone.   If you have arrived in Constanța and, together with your colleagues, would like to go out to the city, call us at +40 723 000-555. We are waiting for you!   Do not buy alcoholic beverages to bring them into the harbor.  
Romania has four ports on the Black Sea: Constanța, South-Constanța (Agigea), Midia-Năvodari and Mangalia.

About Us

Romanian ports where you can find Seamen's Club

The Romanian coast is part of the western shore of the Black Sea and stretches over a length of 245 km, from the border with Ukraine (north) to Bulgaria (south). Along the coast, Romania has four ports on the Black Sea: Constanța, Constanța-Sud (Agigea), Midia-Năvodari and Mangalia.

The largest seaport in Romania and the fourth largest in Europe, the Port of Constanța, occupies an area of 3,926 hectares, of which 1,313 hectares on land and 2,613 hectares on water, with a length of the outer perimeter area of over 30 kilometers between the city Constanța and the south of Agigea locality.

Seamen’s Club operates in two of the four. These are: Constanța and Constanța-Sud.

It should be mentioned that in the area of the port-city of Năvodari we do not yet have a headquarters and, according to the laws, we cannot go out with the seafarers from the Năvodari City. Therefore, we can take them to shopping or other activities in the city.

